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Advanced Gameplay

There are Four rarities of items:
  • Common (White)

  • Uncommon (Green)

  • Rare (Blue)

  • Ancestral (Red)

There are many different items, from what i know 1 Class item per rarity. Ancestral items are the best, and they are very powerfull, mix and match them to get the best stats for your Hero.


Best in slots for most classes: 

  • Legendary Bracer + Focus Ring Combo

    • Total Stat Change:

      • +20 DMG +8% CRT +6 ACC

      • -12% Move Resist -12 DODGE

  • 2x Legendary Bracer:

    • Total Stat Change:

      • +40% DMG +10% CRT

      • -12 ACC

  • 2x  Martyr's Seal

  • (FIXED Deathblow resist max is now 87% it seems to have been changed. This build no longer works as an immortal build.)

    • Total Stat Change:

      • (At Deaths Door) +30% DMG

      • (At Deaths Door) +10% CRT

      • +30% Death Blow Resist

      • -32% MAX HP

      • -12 DODGE

      • (NOTE) with a Heros passive death blow resist at 67%+30%=97% Death Blow Resist. Not safe enough? I dont think so, roll the Quirk Unyielding (+10% Death blow resist) and you are immortal with op stats.

Of these 3 "Legend Hero combos" The best one to start with would be the 2x Seal. It give you an invincible front liner so you can worry about the rest of your partys health.


(I will update more beginner combos later.)



Dont forget to check out my Videos and screenshots for a great way to farm items Quirks and relieve Stress!

Heros Pros and cons

So you have probally played every class by now, so if you have not, go give them a go, they all are strong in their own way as i will explain. With some i feel being a little more OP then others. So lets begin with the Hellion :3








Legend Hellion:  

  • Pros:

    • The most notable, and OP thing about Hellion is not their ability to bleed, attack the Front 3 Monsters from any position or their nice CRIT MOD but its their camping skills that you have to take advantage of.

      • Breakthru 5:

        • Melee ALL (1-4) Hits Front (1-3)

        • DMG MOD -55%

        • ACC base 95

        • CRIT MOD: 6%

        • sick cleave :3

      • Wicked Hack 5:

        • Melee Front (1-2) Hits Front (1-2)

        • ACC base 100

        • CRIT MOD: 9%

      • Iron Swan 5:

        • Melee Front (1-2) Hits Back (4)

        • ACC base 100

        • CRIT MOD: 9%

        • Use this or

      • Adrenaline Rush

        • Melee Self

        • 28% DMG

        • ​+9 ACC

        • Cure Blight/Bleed base 100%

      • If it Bleeds 5:

        • ACC base: 105

        • CRIT MOD: 4%

        • Target: Bleed 4 pts /rd for 3 rds

  • Battle Trance: Time Cost 3

    • (Monster Size: 2) +20% DMG

    • ACC +10

  • Sharpen Spear: Time Cost 2

    • +10% CRT

  • Uses 2x Legend Bracer combo with ease with Adrenaline Rush, or if you dont like buffing (since they dont last like camp buffs do) You can bring a Vestal along to give you +10 ACC which pretty much cancels out the Bracers -12 ACC

  • Hellion Ancestral: 

    • Hell's Hairpin

      • +15% DMG

      • +5% CRT

      • -8% Death Blow Resist

      • -12% Affliction

      • Great replacement for Legend Bracer or Focus ring if you dont have enough.

  • Great hero for

    • 2x  Martyr's Seal

      • Total Stat Change:

        • (At Deaths Door) +30% DMG

        • (At Deaths Door) +10% CRT

        • +30% Death Blow Resist

        • -32% MAX HP

        • -12 DODGE

  • It costs a total of 5 Time to fully buff a Hellion. Having 2 (10 time) in one party can be insane.

  • Cons:

    • ​Tell me some i cant see any.

  • Prefered Position: Front (1-2)








Legend Vestal:  

  • Pros:

    • The Classic Healer great hero to take along on Long adventures. 

    • Great overall class to be equiped with either a damage set using range attacks. Starting out +stun items and Quirks can get alot achieved.

      • Divine Grace 5:

        • Ranged Back (3-4)

        • (Heal 7-8)

      • Divine Comfort 5:

        • Ranged Back (2-4)

        • (Party Heal 3-3) Total Max heal 12

      • Judgement 5:

        • Ranged Back (2-4) Hits: ALL

        • ACC base: 100

        • DMG MOD -20%

        • CRIT MOD: 9%

        • Self: Heal 5HP

      • Dazzling Light: 

        • Ranged Back (2-4) Hits: Front (1-2)

        • ACC base: 100

        • DMG MOD -50%

        • CRIT MOD: 4%

        • Torch +5

        • Target: Stun base: 100%

      • ​​Bless: Time Cost: 2 (One Companion)​

        • ​+10 ACC

        • +10 DODGE

        • (Use this on your Hellion (Using 2xLegend Bracer) and you have a very strong party.

  • Cons:

    • Lower Base Damage range then melee classes

    • Low ACC Base Melee attacks.

  • Prefered Position: Back (3-4)









Legend Grave Robber:  

  • Pros:

    • This is the hardest critting single target Hero in the game to my knowledge.

      • Thrown Dagger 5

        • ​Ranged Back (2-4) Hits Back (2-4)

        • ACC base: 100

        • CRIT MOD: 14%

        • ^highest CRIT MOD skill in the game right now.

      • Pick to the Face 5: 

        • ​Melee Front (1-3) Hits Front (1-3)

        • ACC base: 110

        • CRIT MOD: 9%

        • Great crit mod melee attack with 110 ACC base, if you get melee Quirks on this Hero she can be amazing for both ranged and melee.

      • Enough said. Grave Robber another Great Hero

      • Use any of the Legend Item Combos and you will tear it up.

  • Cons:

    • No great campfire buffs

    • Two moves are mobility

  • Prefered Position: Back (3-4)

  • Prefered Position For Melee: Front (1-3)


These are my 3 prefered Heros, although i have all Heros level 6 and enjoy them all.


Use CTRL+F to find a certain Quirk

Positive Quirks

(Incomplete constantly updating)


These are the best quirks avaliable:

  • On Guard:

    • (First Round) +4 SPD

    • (First Round) +5 DODGE

  • Fated: Chance to turn any MISS into a HIT

  • Lurker: (Light Below: 25%) +10 DMG

  • Hard Skinned: +5% PROT

  • Second Wind: (Health Below: 50%) +10% DMG

  • Quick Reflexes: +2 SPD

  • Night Owl: (Light Below: 25) +2 SPD

  • Evasive: +5% DODGE

  • Natural Swing: +5% ACC

  • Slugger: (Melee) +10% DMG

  • Deadly: +1% CRT

  • Precision Striker: (Melee) +3% CRT

  • Clutch Hitter: (Ranged) +3% CRT

  • Eagle Eye: (Ranged) +3% CRT

  • Unerring: (Ranged) +10% DMG

  • Weald Tactician: (In Dungeon: Weald) +15% DMG

  • Warrens Tactician: (In Dungeon: Warrens) +15% DMG

  • Ruins Tactician: (In Dungeon: Ruins) +15% DMG

  • Hatred of the Beast: 

    • (Monster Beast) +15% DMG

    • (Monster Beast) +15% Stress Resist

  • Slayer of the Beast:

    • (Monster Beast) +10 ACC

    • (Monster Beast) +3% CRT

  • Hatred of the Human: 

    • (Monster Human) +15% DMG

    • (Monster Human) +15% Stress Resist

  • Slayer of the Human:

    • (Monster Human) +10 ACC

    • (Monster Human) +3% CRT

  • Hatred of the Eldritch: 

    • (Monster Eldritch) +15% DMG

    • (Monster Eldritch) +15% Stress Resist

  • Slayer of the Human:

    • (Monster Eldritch) +10 ACC

    • (Monster Eldritch) +3% CRT

  • Hatred of the Unholy: 

    • (Monster Type Unholy) +15% DMG

    • (Monster Type Unholy) +15% Stress Resist

  • Slayer of the Unholy:

    • (Monster Type Unholy) +10 ACC

    • (Monster Type Unholy) +3% CRT

  • Natural Eye: (Ranged) +5 ACC

  • Ruins Tactician: (In Dungeon: Ruins) +15% DMG

  • Early Riser: (Light above: 75) +2 SPD

  • Unyielding +10% Deathblow Resist


Some of these are still good Quirks:

  • Weald Adventurer: (In Dungeon: Weald) +20% Stress Resist

  • Weald Scrounger: (In Dungeon: Weald) +10% Scouting Chance

  • Weald Adventurer: (In Dungeon: Weald) +20% Stress Resist

  • Warrens Adventurer: (In Dungeon: Warrens) +20% Stress Resist

  • Warrens Scrounger (In Dungeon: Warrens) +10% Scouting Chance

  • Warrens Explorer: (In Dungeon: Warrens) +20% Scouting Chance

  • Ruins Adventurer: (In Dungeon: Ruins) +20% Stress Resist

  • Ruins Scrounger: (In Dungeon: Ruins) +10% Scouting Chance

  • Ruins Explorer: (In Dungeon: Ruins) +20% Scouting Chance

  • Stout (In Camp:) +15% Healing Recieved

  • Improved Balance: +15% Move Resist

  • Clotter +15% Bleed Resist

  • Robust +15% Disease Resist

  • Hard Noggin: +15% Bleed Resist

  • Photomania: (Light Above: 75% +20% Stress Resist

  • Gift of the Healer: (In Camp:) +20% Healing Received

  • Stress Faster: (Stress above: 50) -100% Food consumed

  • Meditator: Improved stress reduction while Meditation and while camping

  • Back Tracker: No stress penalty when walking backwards

  • Tough: +10% Max HP

  • Resilient +10% Stress Heal

  • Thick Blooded +10% Blight Resist

  • Amature Armorsmith -20% Armor upgrade cost

Negative Quirks

(Incomplete constantly updating)


Best Negative Quirk (only good negative quirk to my knowledge)

  • ​Rabies: 

    • -10 ACC

    • +20% DMG


  • Important:

  • Lazy Eye: (Ranged) -5 ACC

  • Scattering: (Ranged) -5% DMG

  • Slow Reflexes: -1 SPD

  • Light Sensitive: (Light Above:0) -10% DMG

  • Fragile -10% HP

  • Fear of the Beast: 

    • (Monster Beast) -15% Stress Resist

    • (Monster Beast) -10 ACC

  • Slayer of the Beast:

    • (Monster Beast) +10 ACC

    • (Monster Beast) +3% CRT

  • Fear of Humans: 

    • (Monster Human) -15% Stress Resist

    • (Monster Human) -10 ACC

  • Slayer of the Humans:

    • (Monster Human) +10 ACC

    • (Monster Human) +3% CRT

  • Fear of the Eldritch: 

    • (Monster Eldritch) -15% Stress Resist

    • (Monster Eldritch) -10 ACC

  • Slayer of the Eldritch:

    • (Monster Eldritch) +10 ACC

    • (Monster Eldritch) +3% CRT

  • Weak Grip on Life: -10% Death Blow Resist

  • Zoophobia (monster Type Beast) -20% Stress Relief

  • Weald Phobe: (In Dungeon: Weald -20% Stress resist)

  • Ruins Phobe: (In Dungeon: Ruins -20% Stress resist)

  • Warrens Phobe: (In Dungeon: Warrens-20% Stress resist)


Not so Important: 

  • Deviant Tastes: Is not allowed to visit the Brothel

  • Love Intrest: In town, will only visit the Brothel for stress relief.

  • God Fearing: In town, will only pray for stress Relief.

  • Egomania: Obsessed with self-worship

  • Unquiet Mind: May not Meditate while in town

  • Demonomania: Believes is possesed in demons

  • Dark Temptation: Prone to investigating the Dark Arts (This hero will automaticly activate Graves and Rituals.)

  • Hagiomania: Obsessed with sainthood (This hero will automaticly activate Confessionals.)

  • Bloodthirsty: Fascinated with pain and torture (This hero will automaticly activate weapond racks.)

  • Guilty Conscience: Bears the crushing guilt of deeds real and imagined

  • Devian Tastes: Cannot visit Brothel

  • Lygophobia (Light Below:25) 20% Stress Resist

  • Curious: Obsessed with the acquisition of knowledge

  • Known Cheat: Cannot Gamble

  • Sitiomania: Obsessed with food

  • Stress Eater: (Stress above: 50%) +100% Food consumed

  • Hylomania: Obsessed with material things

  • Winded: (Health Below: 50%) -1 SPD

  • Kleptomaniac: Prone to stealing items.

  • Claustrophobia: Sever fear of enclosed spaces.

  • Diurnal (Light Below: 25) -2SPD


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